What mattress do most hospitals use?


Many hospitals use medical-grade mattresses that are specifically designed to provide comfort and support to patients. These mattresses are typically made from high-density foam or an alternating pressure air system, which helps prevent pressure sores and provide comfort to patients who may be bedridden for long periods of time. The specific type of mattress used may vary depending on the hospital and the needs of the patient, but the focus is usually on providing the patient with appropriate support and pressure relief.

Kaneman mattress limited has a lot of experience making medical mattresses and the nearest shipments have been exported to Canada and Sri Lanka.If you are interested in medical mattresses, please contact us.

Sunny Zhang



Xianghe Kaneman Furniture Limited

Xiushui Street, Shuyang Industrial Zone,Xianghe,Hebei Province,China 065400 

Post time: Mar-05-2024